
9 Surprising Facts About Pet Rabbits

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Rabbits are highly social animals that form strong bonds with their human caregivers and fellow furry friends, making them wonderful companions.

Social Butterflies: Bunny Bonding

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Watch in awe as your bunny does joyful leaps called "binkies," expressing their happiness and contentment.

Bunny Binkies: Happy Hops

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Bunnies communicate through body language, and a joyful binky or a flop can convey their emotions, showing trust and comfort.

Communication Through Binkies and Flops

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Rabbits' teeth never stop growing, so they love to chew to keep them in check. Provide safe chew toys to satisfy their gnawing instincts.

Teeth Keep Growing: Chew Champions

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Pet rabbits thrive on a diet of hay, fresh vegetables, and occasional treats. Their herbivorous palate keeps them healthy and happy.

Little Gourmets: Herbivorous Diet

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Those long ears serve a purpose! They help rabbits detect sounds and identify potential dangers, making them cautious and alert.

Ears with a Purpose: Superb Sensory

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Rabbits love to dig and create cozy burrows, expressing their natural instincts for comfort and security.

Digging for Fun: Bunny Architects

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Just like humans, each rabbit has a distinct personality. Some may be playful and adventurous, while others may be more reserved and shy.

Unique Personalities: Playful or Reserved

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Believe it or not, rabbits can be trained! They can learn tricks and use a litter box with some patience and positive reinforcement.

Training Wonders: Intelligent Learners

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