10 Worst Rated Fruits in the World

Known for its strong odor, which some describe as unpleasant or even offensive, durian is a divisive fruit that some people love and others avoid due to its pungent aroma.


While jackfruit has a mild flavor and is often used in savory dishes, its large size, sticky sap, and labor-intensive preparation can deter some people from enjoying it.


Ackee is a tropical fruit with a unique taste, but its seeds contain toxins that can be harmful if not prepared properly, leading to its exclusion from many people's diets.


Noni fruit has a strong, pungent smell and a bitter taste, which makes it unappealing to many people despite its purported health benefits.


Soursop has a tangy flavor that some find unpleasant, and its large seeds and spiky outer skin can be challenging to navigate.


As its name suggests, bitter melon has a bitter taste that many find unpalatable, although it is valued for its potential health benefits in some cultures.

Bitter Melon

Chayote has a mild taste and is often used in savory dishes, but its bland flavor and somewhat fibrous texture may not appeal to everyone.


Salak has a unique appearance and taste, with a combination of sweetness and tartness, but its dry, fibrous texture and the hassle of removing


Similar to jackfruit, cempedak is a tropical fruit with a strong aroma and sweet flavor, but its sticky latex and messy preparation process can deter some people from enjoying it.


A hybrid of cherimoya and sugar apple, atemoya has a creamy texture and sweet flavor, but its short shelf life and limited availability.


