Brush Stroke

Healthy habits for colder mornings

Brush Stroke

Make sure the bedroom is warm 

Make sure you have something warm to slip your feet into, and that the room is as cozy as it can be. Use draught excluders and anything else necessary to keep the chill out of your room.

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Let some light in

Even if it's a weak, wintry light, letting a few rays into your room as soon as you get out of bed can be instantly refreshing. Even if it's still dark outside, open curtains and blinds so that the sun will come in as it rises.

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Energize the air around you

An easy way to prevent winter dry skin is to add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of water and place these on shelves close to radiators and heaters—it will help keep the air hydrated.


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Avoid morning scrolling

Don't use your morning to find out what somebody you went to school with had for breakfast. Simply cutting out all that automatic scrolling can save you valuable time.

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Find minutes for meditation

Few people have time for a lengthy meditation first thing, but as little as five minutes as soon as you wake up can help set you up for the whole day

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You might not have the time or inclination for a full-on workout in the morning, but stretching out the limbs with a few gentle stretches can shake off lingering sleepiness.

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Have a quick shower

Allow time to savor a few minutes in a hot shower—it can be a real soul soother. Energizing body washes and shampoos can help get you ready and raring to go.

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Don't skip your skin care

Cold weather and heating can wreak havoc on your skin, so don't be tempted to sacrifice your skin care routine in order to get a few more moments in bed

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