10 Exercises for Better Balance From a Trainer Who Lives on a Paddleboard


Single-Leg Balance: Stand on one leg while keeping your hips level and your core engaged. Hold the position for 30-60 seconds, then switch legs.


Bosu Ball Exercises: Perform exercises like squats, lunges, or single-leg stands on a Bosu ball. The unstable surface challenges your balance and engages core muscles.


Tai Chi or Yoga: Practice tai chi or yoga poses that focus on balance, such as tree pose, warrior III, or eagle pose. These exercises improve stability, flexibility, and body awareness.


Paddleboard Yoga: Take your yoga practice to a paddleboard for an added challenge. Poses like downward dog, plank, and warrior II engage stabilizing muscles while floating on water.


Paddleboard Balance Drills: Perform balance drills on a paddleboard, such as kneeling, sitting, or standing with feet hip-width apart.


Dynamic Balance Exercises: Incorporate dynamic movements that challenge balance, such as lunges with a torso twist, single-leg deadlifts, or lateral hops.


Balance Board Training: Use a balance board to enhance stability and coordination. Practice standing or squatting on the board while maintaining control.


Resistance Band Work: Incorporate resistance band exercises to target stabilizing muscles. Perform exercises like lateral leg raises, standing rows.


Stability Ball Exercises: Use a stability ball for exercises like seated balance circles, pikes, or ball planks. These exercises engage core muscles and improve balance control.


Proprioception Drills: Perform proprioception drills that challenge your body's awareness of its position in space. Activities like standing on foam pads.

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