
10 Relationship Lessons for My Teenage Daughter

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don’t let people fall in love with you for your looks. Prioritizing superficial qualities leads to superficial relationships. This goes for you, too. Don’t get distracted by physical qualities. Looks are temporary; character is forever.

You’re beautiful

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Before you focus on what you want in a romantic partner, focus on your own development. Relationship success isn’t about finding any partner; it’s about finding the right partner for you.

You have to be the right person

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Don’t be too hard on yourself or others. Focus on progress, not perfection. When finding a romantic partner, you can have anything, but it’s almost impossible to get everything. Prioritize what’s important.

Chasing perfection is a trap

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1. Every relationship problem has the same initial solution: communication. It’s the best way to keep problems small and solvable.

initial solution

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1. Never hide, minimize, or otherwise sacrifice your personality and identity. Anyone who truly cares for you will authentically love you for who you are and not try to change you. Don’t trade who you are for someone to be with.

Never hide, minimize

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The fact is, people don’t change much. What you see is generally what you get. Don’t think, “I can change them.” You want a partner who is your equal, not a fixer-upper project.

Don’t expect someone to be right

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When a person likes you, it feels good, but it isn’t impressive or unique. It’s expected. You’re awesome. They’re not the first person to like you, and they won’t be the last. Instead of wondering, “Do they like me?” ask yourself, “Are they good for me?”

Don’t use how someone feels

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those sacrifices should be mutual and minor. The right person won’t require you to give up too much, and you won’t need to ask too much from them.

Relationships require sacrifices

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1. The best partners support your aspirations and your continual development. Find someone who will push you out of your comfort zone and nurture all the ways you want to grow.

The best partners

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1. Long-term relationship happiness relies on compatibility. Your romantic partner should be your best friend. They should be understanding, easy to talk to, caring, supportive, fun, respectful, and kind. Don’t accept anything less.

Long-term relationship

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