
10 Diseases You Can Catch From Your Pets

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Explore the realm of zoonoses – infections that jump from animals to humans. Uncover how close contact can sometimes lead to unexpected health challenges.

Snuggle with Caution: Zoonotic Infections Explained

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Peel back the layers of ringworm, an unwelcome fungal infection. Learn why that persistent itch might just be a call for caution.

The Itchy Truth: Ringworm's Deceptive Dance

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Unveil the mysteries of toxoplasmosis carried by cats. Discover why pregnant women and the immunocompromised should pay extra attention.

Feline Friends and Toxoplasmosis Tidbits

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Explore the world of hookworms, tiny yet potent parasites carried by dogs. Embark on a journey to protect yourself and your pup.

Man's Best Friend, Unwanted Hitchhikers: Canine Hookworm Woes

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Delve into the realm of psittacosis, lurking among pet birds. Uncover the symptoms and preventive measures to keep this avian infection at bay.

Feathered Friends, Feathered Foes: Psittacosis Unveiled

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Navigate the landscape of Lyme disease transmitted by ticks. Learn how your furry friends can inadvertently bring these unwelcome guests into your home.

Tick Talk: Lyme Disease's Silent Spread

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Discover the lurking threat of Salmonella present in reptiles. Arm yourself with knowledge on how to handle these captivating creatures safely.

From Tank to Trouble: Reptiles and Salmonella Danger

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Unearth the perils of parvovirus, a potentially deadly infection found in dogs. Equip yourself with the tools to recognize and prevent its spread.

Cuddly Contagion: The Parvovirus Predicament

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Dive into the world of flea-borne typhus, a disease transmitted by fleas carried by both pets and wild animals. Discover the symptoms and solutions.

It's Flea Season for Flea-Borne Typhus

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Explore cat scratch fever, a bacterial infection lurking in the shadows. Learn how those innocent feline play sessions can sometimes have unexpected consequences.

Whiskers and Warn-offs: Cat Scratch Fever Reality

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