Brush Stroke

7 Most Common Cat Eye Problems

Brush Stroke


The conjunctiva is a thin membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the white part of the eye. When this membrane becomes inflamed, it is called conjunctiva.

Brush Stroke


This eye condition occurs when the cornea gets inflamed. This is the clear outer layer of the eye, and it can become infected in several ways.

Brush Stroke

Corneal Ulcers

These injuries can occur for all sorts of reasons, including scratches, infections, or foreign objects in the eye. You can expect a lot of squinting, tearing, redness, and cloudiness.


Brush Stroke


This condition can be caused by so many different factors, including a blockage of the drainage channels in the eye or an overproduction of the fluid in the eye.

Brush Stroke


Caratacts develop when there is a cloudiness in the lens of the eye. It’s most common in older cats, just like it is most common in dogs and humans.

Brush Stroke


Infections are very common if this condition is not corrected. Some breeds, like Persians and Himalayans, are more prone to this condition than others.

Brush Stroke


This condition is the inflammation of the uvea. Like other conditions, the uvea is a particular layer of the eye. When it becomes inflamed, cats are diagnosed with this condition.

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