7 Safety Tips For Walking Your Dog In Rainy Weather

Watch Out For Puddles: Puddle jumping can be enjoyable for your dog, but it may be unhealthy. 

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Protect Your Dog's Paws: The pads of your dog's paws can be sensitive.

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Keep Your Dog On A Leash: When you walk your dog in the rain, conditions are inherently more treacherous.

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Choose The Right Route: Consider the conditions if you stroll on dirt pathways or cross running water.

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Shorten Your Walk: Small or short-haired dogs can get cold in damp weather.

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Dry Your Dog Thoroughly: Wet fur breeds germs and yeast, which can cause skin diseases.

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Invest In Rain Gear For Your Dog: Some dogs like getting wet, but others require encouragement to go outside in the rain.

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Keep An Eye On Temperature: Rainy weather can be cold, so keep your dog warm during the stroll.

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Thick Brush Stroke

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