Brush Stroke

Cooking Myths That Made Us Laugh

Brush Stroke

Always Use a Wooden Spoon

While wooden spoons are great for many tasks, there is no one “right” type of spoon to use when cooking. Use whatever spoon feels comfortable and works best for the task at hand.

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Salt in Pasta Water

Adding salt to pasta water can enhance the flavor of the pasta, but it does not make it cook faster. In fact, adding salt to water can actually increase the cooking time by a few seconds.

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Always Cook With Olive Oil

While olive oil is a great cooking oil, it is not the best choice for all tasks. Olive oil has a low smoke point and can burn at high temperatures.


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Flip Your Steak Only Once

Flipping your steak multiple times can actually result in more even cooking. The key is to flip the steak when the first side is nicely browned, not before.

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Meat to Room Temperature

Letting meat come to room temperature before cooking is unnecessary and can actually increase the risk of foodborne illness.

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Always Preheat Your Baking Sheet

Preheating your baking sheet can help create a crispy crust, but it is not always necessary. For foods that need to cook quickly, such as vegetables, you can skip the preheating step.

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Pasta Sit in the Sauce

Letting your pasta sit in the sauce can cause it to become mushy and lose its texture. Instead, serve the pasta immediately after mixing it with the sauce.

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Rinse Mushrooms Before Cooking

Rinsing mushrooms before cooking them can actually cause them to become waterlogged and lose their flavor. Instead, wipe them clean with a damp cloth or paper towel.

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